Abstract patterns are becoming popular choices for wedding card design. Their lack of physical imagery means that abstract patterns focus on shapes, colour and visual texture. That makes abstract patterns extremely versatile in creating a diversity of modern, edgy and minimalist wedding invitation styles. The lack of physical representation of any particular form is great for couples who want to project an impartial, adaptable and flexible attitude to life. Here are some abstract patterns that you can consider for your invitation card design.
1. Watercolour Strokes & Blotches

Watercolour is a painting technique using water and pigment that is fluid and absorbent. This means water colour brush strokes leave a delicate and subtle water stained texture. Watercolour painting is commonly done on white paper background. The paint washes are characteristically quite thin and transparent. When the white paper background shows through, the painting appears to gleam and flow. The pigment colours form seamless gradients and take the shape of fluid movement when dry. This effect gives the wedding invitation a romantic and floaty sensation.
2. Geometric Shapes

Geometric patterns are popular among avant-garde artists. They consist of shapes such as circles, squares, rectangles and triangles in various combination. Interesting compositions can be made from geometric patterns. These shapes usually have defined and sharp or straight edges. The sense of simplicity this creates often makes geometric patterns well-suited for minimalist expression. When drawn in the right colours, geometric may look either futuristic or rural. Islamic art is founded on geometric shapes. But recently, geometric patterns have become the mark of popular boho culture and symbols of nature. Geometric patterns are great to have on wedding invitations for couples who are straightforward, earnest and have a penchant for a fuss-free lifestyle.
3. Organic Patterns & Blobs

Organic patterns and blobs are freeform shapes drawn by hand. These shapes at times are combined to represent plants, the landscape and natural objects. But they are also commonly drawn in specks and lines to create interesting textures. Unlike watercolour, organic patterns are drawn in opaque colours and have more defined edges. They represent a modernist tribute to primitive forms of art and drawing, for example, resembling cave drawings and aboriginal art. Although organic freeform shapes usually look bold and colourful, they do portray an underlying minimalist philosophy. As observers, we are reminded of our roots and our close relationship with nature. Couples who love to have organic patterns on their invitation cards tend to be fun-loving and easy-going.
4. Line Drawing

Lines are the basic foundation of all art forms. Line drawings are simply drawings made up of lines and do not have colour fill. Although the lines can be drawn in different colours, they are more commonly seen in achromatic black, grey or white. Recently, there is a popular emergence of line art depicting physical forms drawn from a single line from beginning to end. As a result, physical forms can take on an abstract vibe. For example, a line drawing may appear to look like a leaf because our minds are already familiar with the leaf shape. Line drawing makes the art appear sensuous, graceful and elegant. The incomplete, disconnected and entangled nature of line drawings make them very engaging. Wedding card design with line drawings are perfect for couples who are sophisticated and understated at the same time.
5. Abstract Art Painting

It might be much easier to use an actual abstract art painting as a background for the wedding invitation. This way the invitation card looks like an interesting piece of art in its own right. But first, the couple needs to have an appreciation for art. Besides, abstract art paintings are varied and wide-ranging from modern abstract to classical styles derived from Picasso and Van Gogh. The advantage of using abstract art paintings is each art type exudes its own unique atmosphere. The painting style expresses a certain personality that couples can readily relate to. By using an abstract painting, the wedding card can reflect either the theme of the wedding reception or perhaps even what beliefs the couple stand for. A word of warning though … please get permission from the original artists before using art paintings on wedding cards. It might be best to get one customised just for you.
6. Marbling Art

Marbling is a traditional art form that has long been used by the Japanese, Chinese and the Turks. Paper marbling is called Suminagashi by the Japanese and is known as Ebru in Turkish traditions. Marbled paper was introduced in the Western world during the Renaissance. Thickened paints of different colours are floated on water and swirled around to manipulate the flows into beautiful designs. The paper is then pressed onto the motifs to pick up the patterns and hung up to dry. These days modern techniques such as digital graphic art, spray painting and oil painting are used to create innovative marbling effects. On wedding invitation cards, marbling art looks both elegant, romantic and sophisticated. It is for a couple who loves going with the flow in life.
7. Rock & Stone Patterns

Rock and stone patterns provide rich colours and elegant designs. Rock crystals like Agate are known for their brilliant colour and shimmering texture. The spotted patterns on Terrazzo are also hugely popular as packaging and stationery designs. Using natural rock or stone features on wedding invitations have a refreshing and luxurious effect. Rock crystals are also associated with spiritual cleansing. This choice is definitely suitable for a power couple who aims for stability, wealth and prosperity in the future.
8. Gemstone Frame & Pattern

Let’s not forget that the gemstone is the hallmark of all weddings. Most weddings happen not without the requisite diamond ring. Right, Ladies?! And all the more to include the lines and shapes of the gemstone on the wedding invitation card. Although these shapes can be considered geometric, they are skewed to lend the invitation card an almost 3-dimensional perspective resembling the gemstone itself. When you receive such a wedding card, be prepared for a gleaming wedding reception of a couple who wants nothing less than spectacular.
9. Layering

Each abstract style can be used on its own or combined together using a technique called layering. Layer each element using contrasting colours to create depth in the design. Add pops of brighter or warmer colours to draw attention and to enliven the wedding invitation. Use random lines and shapes to imbibe softness and elegance. Combine the abstract patterns with realistic art forms to create dimension and drama. A few spots of watercolour spray gives a cleansing effect and a sprig of leaves symbolises purity. Most of all, abstract patterns will never go out-of-date.