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Top Things About Wedding Invitations You Should Know

by | Aug 31, 2020 | Entertaining, Weddings

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Planning a wedding is no cakewalk – there are a million details to take care of! The best approach to take when planning a wedding for yourself or your loved one is to assemble your friends and family and allow them to help out wherever necessary. Understand that even though you are the primary planner, you can’t possibly arrange everything for a wedding on your own.

One of the primary chores that need your attention when planning a wedding is no other than the wedding invitation card. How should it look like? What should it include? What colour scheme should it flaunt and so on? Don’t take your wedding invitation card design lightly. Your guests will get a glimpse and a first impression of how the wedding event may turn out from your wedding invitation card. Below, we offer helpful tips and suggestions for you to use to pick out or craft the right wedding invitation card that suits your needs.

Top Considerations to Make When Choosing a Wedding Invitation Card Design

1. Designer-made or DIY?

Wedding card designers brings their experience in designing wedding cards for a range of clientele with different aesthetic requirements. So if you have a certain theme or tone in mind for your wedding invitation card, a professional designer is able to use his or her skills and experience to translate and manifest what you have in mind onto your wedding invitation card.

Alternatively, if you would much rather DIY and craft your wedding invitation card on your own, this might be quite a fun project to involve close friends and family. There are several wedding invitation templates available online for you to customise and services that allow you to create your own wedding invitation card design from scratch.

2. Defining Style

As already mentioned, your wedding guests rely on the style portrayed on your wedding invitation card to guess how the actual event of your wedding will be. They can then choose their outfit and gift accordingly. So it is crucial to correctly convey the style and mood of your upcoming wedding so that your guests can fit seamlessly with the entire theme. If you are planning a black-tie event for your wedding, your wedding invite should look formal, luxurious and elegant.

Select the right grade of paper that will help to carry this image well. Crisp envelopes with a pearly finish are the perfect accompaniments to evoke a sense of glitter and pomp. Don’t mislead your guests with a casual wedding invitation card design when you are organising a traditional and conservative formal event with a strict dress code.

3. Picking Out the Colors

When planning a wedding, people tend to pick out a colour scheme that they can also incorporate into their outfits, decorations and memorabilia handed out at the wedding. The wedding invitation is also fashioned in the same hues. You need to decide whether you want to go for this coordinated approach when picking out the colours for your wedding invite or whether you want to stick with one particular colour that holds a special significance for you and your partner.

4. Determining the Shape and Size

A traditional wedding invitation card usually measures 5 by 7 inches with a flat, rectangular shape. However, you can opt for other new-age variants when it comes to your wedding card shapes and sizes. Your wedding invitation card may measure 5.25 by 5.25 inches, 4 by 9.25 inches or 6.5 by 8.75 inches. As for the shape, you could go for round, scalloped, bracket and ticket shapes for a fancier and more unique look.

5. Information to Include

Any wedding invitation should include the following:

  1. Host’s name
  2. Couple’s name
  3. Wedding date and time
  4. Venue address
  5. Recommended dress code
  6. RSVP methods and information

All of this information should be legible on the card, printed out using a clear and easy-to-read typeface. Don’t crowd your wedding invitation card with excessive information. It will make it look untidy and obscure the overall appeal of your wedding invite.

6. Adding Other Cards

Will you be sending out just a single wedding invitation card or throwing in additional cards such as an RSVP card or Information enclosure cards? Including an RSVP card is often a great way to muster your guest’s enthusiasm for your upcoming wedding. Receiving confirmation of attendance in an organised manner helps you to plan for the event better by enabling an approximate headcount of attendees.

Placing additional information such as directions and maps, on a separate information card will reduce clutter on the main wedding invitation card. This also helps to keep things organised and systematic. Just be sure that you have set aside enough budget for these add-ons. A disadvantage of enclosure cards is one or the other card may get lost or displaced. So it is vital that the entire wedding invitation suite is carefully assembled in envelope sleeves.

The wedding card ensemble can be arranged according to size or slots can be made to hold the individual cards. This way any missing card can be easily detected.

7. Time for Posting

When should you send out your wedding invitation card? It is necessary to allow your guests ample time to prepare for their travels or to save the date. Ideally, 8-10 months before your wedding date is a good time to start sending out your wedding invites if you aren’t sending out save-the-date cards separately. If you are planning to invest on save-the-date cards, you can send your actual wedding invites in the weeks running up to your wedding.

8. Number of Invitations that Need to Be Sent

Before you can place an order to buy wedding invitation from a wedding invitation shop, you need to have a count of the number of wedding invitation cards you want to print. Always count the number of households when ordering your wedding invitation card and not the number of guests. It is also a good idea to order extra, just in case you remember people you would like to invite at the last minute or when some of the cards get accidentally damaged or lost.

9. Draw Up a Budget

When researching wedding invitation cards, find out the cost of different paper material, styles, designs and formats. Different printing methods and different wedding invitation shapes are priced differently. Consult your wedding invitation card design service provider and be aware about these price differences to formulate a dependable budget for your wedding invitation card. You will also have to account for shipping costs. A wedding is an expensive affair, and you don’t want to go over budget purely for expenditure on your wedding invitation card.

Summing Up

A wedding invitation card serves to inform your relatives and acquaintances about your wedding. It needs to carefully provide details on date, time, venue and other information pertaining to the event so that your guests can arrive on time for it and grant you their wishes and blessings. Wedding invitations are saved by families as keepsakes for generations. You want to plan out its design and the details in a way that you can be proud of and remember in times to come. We hope our tips and suggestions listed above offer you just the help you need to plan and send out your wedding invitation cards!

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